Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Diesel Does Godard

Diesel has began a reputation for cool hipster web campaigns with a squeeze of retro relevance, let us not forget last years SFW XXX viral that brought back the gritty glam of 80's hardcore porn strategically animated in a fashion fit for ages 6 and up. The label's latest SS10 catalogue has particularly peaked my interest as it's a direct homage to the dance scene in Godard's Band a Part (those of you who know me will recognize this as a choice scene from one of my favorite films...I've posted about it before). Kudo's to Diesel for picking such a stellar homage. I'm on the fence about the music choice...can't quite decide if it fits (not losing any sleep over it, however). Thoughts about the video? Any Godard buffs wish to weigh in?


After a lengthy hiatus from the blog I'm back! I'm sure you're all ecstatic to hear so, eagerly awaiting my return in 2010.... ::crickets:: To be honest, I have not an excuse for my lack of posts aside from general laziness. I logged on to the MC email today only to find a message from my little brother, the hotelier extraordinaire, with the subject line "Slacker!" Alas, that was all it took to revive the M. Crumb. Without further ado....more unrelated posts of personal interest.