Thursday, April 8, 2010

Pixel Apocalypse

Godzilla, aliens, apocalyptic natural disasters? Nope, classic 80's video games. Many have prophesied the end of the world but none have foreseen our eminent global annihilation as manifested in the form of an 8-bit wave of destruction unleashed by some Pandora-esque television set abandoned by a hipster in Brooklyn. This video shows just that, and I think it's safe to say that the children of the 80's can relate to such a vision of pixel apocalypse.

Aside from it's impressive graphics and overall creative vision, the best thing about this video is the comment left by some smarty pants on YouTube.

If the whole earth would become 1 volumetric pixel, shouldn't it be smaller? A cube with a edge length of 2*sqrt(2)*r where r is the radius of the earth?

Hmmm, interesting point 4K. I would try and wax intellectually with you about your theory but I stopped understanding math once they introduced letters. My question is how are we supposed to know what country to bomb if in fact we are attacked by pixels?

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Crumberazzi: Nice LJ Bradley!

Just another day in NYC, stopped by CVS to grab an Rx and well well well... who do we have here? It's heart-throb and Hangover star Bradley Cooper filming a scene for his new motion picture Dark Fields. Sweet leather jacket BC, who's the bald dude? And where the F is De Niro!? (rumored to be starring in the film as well). Seems like a nice enough guy. Those PA's locking down the streets on the other hand, they need to get their shit together. I could have easily ninja'd my way straight for him with a Sharpie in one hand and a photo of Zach Galifianakis in the other, like so many of the misinformed pedestrians squinting to get a glimpse of "that guy" from the Hangover would have done had they been carrying either or.